Spay/Neuter & TNR
In the PAWS Trap-Neuter-Return program (aka spay/neuter), Feral cats, Community cats, and Barn cats are humanely trapped, sent to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped (the universal sign that the animal has been neutered and vaccinated), and returned to their outdoor home. Feral animals cannot be relocated to a new location without the property owner’s written approval.
What Kind Of Animals Do You Have?
Feral and Homeless Cats
Stray (Lost) Dogs and Cats
Pet animal Surrender
If You or Know Someone Having Trouble Caring For A Pet and Wishes to Surrender the Pet, please get in touch with the Hill Country SPCA.
Learn more here.
Feral & Homeless Cats
- Cats born and raised in the wild.
- Cats who have been abandoned or lost and turned to wild ways in order to survive.
Some community cats tolerate a bit of human contact, but most are too fearful and wild to be handled. Community cats often live in groups, called colonies, and take refuge wherever they can find food, including surrounding pet’s food.
A vet approved TNR program is proven to stop the uncontrolled breeding cycle of cats and therefore improves their lives and the life of people around them while preventing unwanted kittens. A homeless animal typically does not receive medical care and is particularly susceptible to diseases some of which can easily spread to your family and pets.
Barn & Working Cats
Working animals (also referred to as “barn animals”) may be “community cats” or owned animals that earn their own keep, usually by vermin control or property security.
These animals may be regularly fed but normally do not receive regular medical care or neutering so they are susceptible to disease and overpopulation. Working animals usually do not allow themselves to be touched or petted but are tolerant of or friendly to owners and so can spread a disease to owners and their pets.
Stray Animals
Stray animals were owned animals but have become lost and homeless. Stray animals are clearly tame and used to human contact.
In many cases, lost pets will miss human contact and may adopt a new owner. The City of Frederickburg Animal Control Shelter is equipted to handle Stray Animals.
Pets: Cats & Dogs
Pets are animals that have a definite owner and are responsibly maintained. Pet animals are outside the PAWS Mission Statement and referred to the Hill Country SPCA .